This is not normal big honey. Small honey is natural sweetner and can be used as substitute of Sugar in medicinal/food purposes. For patients who can’t take sugar, Stingless honey bees make honey from the nectar of flowers by a sequential process of swallowing, regurgitation and our natural honey is a good sweetener. evaporation. The formed honey is then stored in honeycombs as a source of food. The delicious sweet flavour of honey is from the essential mixture of sugar, amino acids, vitamins, some trace enzymes and minerals.
The use of natural little bee honey as food and medicine by mankind has been in existence from time immemorial. In fact, records have it that raw honey is the most ancient sweetener, and it was noted to have been in use throughout the world several million years ago. Natural honey (NH) is a sweet, flavourful liquid food of high nutritional value and immense health
Health benefits
No added preservatives, No added flavorings and No added coloring.
Real little bee honey Vs. Fake Honey Real honey can be identified in 3 ways.
1) Pour a drop of pure honey into a piece of news paper. If its easily absorbed by newspaper (like a blotting paper), its fake honey. Real honey will not get spread on newspaper easily.
2) Pour a spoonful of pure honey into normal drinking water. If its real honey, it will go directly to the bottom of glass. Real honey is more viscous than water.
3) Hold the bottom of little bee honey bottle upside down. If you find a drop of honey in the bottom middle part of the bottle, then its real honey. Fake honey will not stick at the bottom of a bottle.
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