Raw Honey

Does Honey will help you in controlling Cholesterol

The blood contains a fatty molecule called cholesterol. A build-up of cholesterol in the blood can obstruct the arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A diet rich in fatty foods, being overweight or obese, smoking, and insufficient exercise all contribute to elevated cholesterol. It can also be brought on by a family history of high cholesterol or a genetic predisposition to it. As a result, it is crucial that we all understand how to maintain appropriate cholesterol levels. Active persons who are a healthy weight can nonetheless have high cholesterol.
However, not all cholesterol is harmful. LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, is a kind of cholesterol that is sometimes referred to as “bad cholesterol” when doctors refer to “high cholesterol.”
High density lipoprotein, or HDL, on the other hand, is a type of good cholesterol that aids in controlling blood cholesterol levels by promoting the liver’s breakdown of cholesterol, which lowers blood cholesterol levels in general.

Anyone should strive to have a total cholesterol level as low as possible, with more HDL and less LDL within that range.

How Can Honey Help? 

A growing body of research indicates that consuming high-quality, medicinal honey not only decreases overall cholesterol and harmful LDL cholesterol, but also raises levels of HDL cholesterol.

These heart health advantages are thought to be a result of the potent antioxidants called flavonoids that are naturally present in active healing honey. The body is constantly undergoing chemical processes. One of these processes is the oxidation of LDL, which results in the loss of electrons and the instability of LDL molecules.

The plaques that clog the arteries more quickly are created by oxidised LDL. According to studies, honey’s flavonoids work to stop LDL oxidation. In order to live a better life, eating honey may assist to lessen the negative effects of having high levels of LDL.

The Natural, Alternative Sweetener Effect

Making better dietary and lifestyle choices can help lower cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease, which may seem like common sense. Doctors and healthcare specialists advise choosing a diet high in fruits and vegetables, avoiding excessive amounts of salt and saturated fat, and engaging in regular physical activity.

However, other research suggests that choosing honey over regular, refined sugar can help lower LDL levels, especially in women, without having a harmful impact on weight gain.

If you usually include sugar in your tea, a wonderful place to start is by substituting active healing super honeys like those made by Nectar & Hive. It is best to switch to herbal teas; simply prepare your tea as usual, let it cool to room temperature before serving, and then top with a spoonful of our honey. (Adding our honey to boiling hot water will destroy the enzymes and healing benefits that are there naturally.)

All Nectar & Hive honeys are unpasteurized so that they can get to you exactly as nature intended. We have their Total Activity, or TA, independently assessed. The honey’s ability to combat microbes and promote health is gauged by its TA value.
One of the highest TA ratings on the market can be found in Nectar & Hive Red Gum TA 30+ honey with honeycomb.

Why not experiment with including active honey in your diet to reap the possible advantages for your heart health? (Never stop taking any drugs, including those for high cholesterol, without first consulting your doctor.) Our honeys taste great and support a healthy lifestyle. Why would you refuse?